Would you have an interest in writing a Book?

 Hi friends;

Previously, prior to the pandemic, I was corresponding with you about upcoming gigs my group might be playing. As you might surmise, we like all other performing musicians and touring artists put it all on pause. Six months into the pandemic I received an email inquiring as to my level of interest in writing a curriculum book.  After consultation with a friend, some modest contractual negotiations we inked a deal.  It was a forgone conclusion the book was about the music business, but what I noticed was a void in a curriculum in music marketing – so that is what I chose to take on. A few months into the writing, I was telling the Chair of my department at Columbia about the opportunity, and it occurred to me, that Jerry might be an ideal co-author. And so, Jerry Brindisi became my co-author. We have four other contributing authors; I’ll tell you more about all of them as we get closer to the release of the book.

Needles to say, I began to write morning, noon and night and I’m pleased to inform you we have submitted 18 final chapter word docs, table of contents, et al which we have now proofread in eBook form. I am so proud of the cover, another collaboration with a couple of brilliant individuals, (again I’ll tell you all about that later too, it’s a great story of friendship and networking).

With the advent of the holidays upon us, a five-week college semester break, the first few hectic weeks back on campus for the spring semester, we have decided to release the book in February.

I’ll be updating you as we progress, but as you were early ardent supporters of the Kent Anderson Collective, it’s my hope that you’ll be an early supporter and tell your friends about;



By: Kent Anderson and Jerry Brindisi

Stay tuned for updates.

Best regards,




So it’s all about the title of the book (Stupid)


What I’ve been doing in my spare time (obviously not blogging)